💰Revenue Share

Hold $CloudAI and earn $ETH.

100% of CloudAI Service Revenues will be distributed to holders of $CloudAI. In essence, this means that if you hold 1% of $CloudAI you will be entitled to 1% of the Service Revenues from our hosting services. We believe this is a fair incentive for $CloudAI holders to participate and benefit from the operations of CloudAI.

Distribution of the Revenue Share will occur on a biweekly basis. Distribution snapshots will be taken at random general intervals to avoid manipulation by traders in the short term to exploit holding percentages. Furthermore, Revenue Share distributions will only be available for $CloudAI holders that currently hold more than 0.05% of the supply. This will allow CloudAI to save cost on transaction fees and distribute more of the service revenue to holders. We aim to use these tactics to more properly reward our long-term holders with the appropriate share of revenue.

Total Revenue to be Shared is calculated as follows:

Revenue Share Distribution = Sold Services Revenue - Operating Costs - Transaction Fees

Personal Revenue Share Allocation is calculated as follows:

Revenue Share Earnings = Revenue Share Distribution * (Personal $CloudAI Holder % / 100)

Last updated